Sunday, July 1, 2007

Articles in peer-reviewed publications

Forthcoming 2009, Trans-situated learning: Supporting a network of practice with an information infrastructure, Information Systems Research, Accepted for publication, in coll. with Geoff Walsham, Cambridge U.

2009, Tech talk: A discourse-based analysis of tech-blogging, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, in coll. with Elizabeth Davidson, Hawaii U., 52 (1), 40-60, March.

2008, Innovating or doing as told? Status differences and overlapping boundaries in offshore collaboration, Management of Information Systems Quarterly, in coll. with Natalia Levina, NYU, 32 (2), 307-332, June.

2007, Playing with masks: Fragmentation and continuity in the presentation of self in an occupational online forum, Information Technology and People, 20 (4), 334-351. December.

2007 Danger is in the eyes of the beholder: Representations of Information Security in the health care industry, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 16 (2), 130-152, June.

2007 What goes online comes offline: Knowledge Management System use in a soft bureaucracy, Organization Studies, 28(3), 283-306, March.

2006, Turning a community into a market: A practice perspective on IT use in boundary-spanning, in coll. with Natalia Levina, NYU, Journal of Management Information Systems, 22(4) 13-37, Spring.

2006, The multiple faces of codification – The organizational design of an IT department, in coll. with Natalia Levina, NYU, Organization Science, special issue on Organizational Design, 17 (2) 190-201, March-April.

2006, Investigating the “Knowledge” in Knowledge Management: A social representations perspective, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, vol 17, article 15, 314-340, Feb., in coll. with Richard Boland, Case Western U, Elizabeth Davidson, Hawaii U, Suzanne Pawlowski, Louisiana State U, and Ulrike Schultze, Southern Methodist U.

2005, The emergence of boundary spanning competence in practice: Implications for IS implementation and use, Management of Information Systems Quarterly, 29(2), June, pp 335-363, in coll. with Natalia Levina, NYU.

2005, Representations and actions: The transformation of work practices with IT use, Information and Organization, 15(1), 65-89, Jan, in coll. with Geoff Walsham, Cambridge U., UK

2004, O brother, where are thou? From communities to networks of practice through intranet use, Management Communication Quarterly, 18(1), August, pp 5-44

2003, Vers un nouveau ‘genre’ de recherche en gestion? Recherche en gestion avec TIC et recherche sur la gestion avec TIC, Revue Française de Gestion, (Toward a new “genre” of management research ? Research in management with ICT and research on management with ICT, 29(146), Sept-Oct, pp. 43 - 58.

2002, De la communauté de pratique au réseau de pratique par les utilisations d'intranet - Quatre études de cas, Systèmes d'Information et Management, 2002, , 7(2), 81 - 103. (“From community of practice to network of practice through intranet uses – Four case studies” ).

2001, Intranets in French firms: evolutions and revolutions, Information Research, July, 6(4),

2000, Intranets et aléas organisationnels, Réseaux, Dec., 18(104), pp 159 – 185. (“Intranets and organizational hazards”).

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